Reflux Band @ Four5nine
Reflux Band @ Four5nine

Reflux Band @ Four5nine

Four5Nine Bar (North Perth, WA)
Friday, 16 May 2025 8:00 pm
66 days away
18 Plus

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General Admission 18+
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Reflux is a recently formed multi-generational 5-piece Grunge/alternative Rock Band enthusiastically belting out classic hits from the 90’s and some rare forgotten gems. The bands objective is to replicate great versions of the genre’s iconic songs from… Nirvana/Hole/Garbage/Metallica/Stone Temple Pilots/Alice in Chains/Green Day /Silverchair and more.

Grunge lovers feast!

Doors 8pm

8.15 - 8.45 Jade (Acoustic Set)

9pm - 11.30 Reflux Grunge